Church Rezoning Approved by Litchfield Park P&Z and more...
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FYI Avondale doesn’t have streaming of city council meetings like Goodyear, LP, and Glendale, but the audio-only recordings are here:
LP Planning & Zoning met on 8/9 for the rezoning of the church at Indian School and Old Litchfield to a mixed-use, there was substantial turnout to speak for and against it. It passed through committee by a 4-2 vote. Next up, it will be up for approval by the City Council.
Here is the agenda packet with all of the opinions
Initial design of a 1.2M Scout Lodge replacement in Scout Park. The council largely agreed this was over designed given what it’s replacing. Will be re-drawn. Most of this will come from the city’s contribution to taking over the scout lodge land I believe. Boy Scouts will contribute a small portion.
Here is the agenda packet with details:
City Center Development continues…
Council work session involved short term renter regulations, as flowed down from the state and a new ordinance for Goodyear.
Freddy’s restaurant and drive through was approved for the Canyon Trails Town Center (Super-Target) off Cotton Rd. I know this is far from the target area of this substack but interesting to see where development is hot.
Just interesting development….A spec cold storage facility is being built near Dysart and Olive. Temps can go down to Neg 10 F and trucks can drive into the cold storage to unload.